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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Going to Beijing this June.
I've made up my mind for the Josephian International Experience Programme.I decided to go to Bejing after a sudden urge by Ashraff at the canteen last week. Yeah, the trip the Beijing is gonna rock cos if I get selected for the trip then I get to visit the Forbidden City, the Great Wall of China and also not forgetting learning about China's politics and culture.

I need to write an essay less than 120 words about how the trip would benefit me. lol. I might as well copy and paste what I wrote on top. XD

Whats more, there's the Bejing Olympic Games 2008 man Woohoo!! But its gonna be expensive lah. Luckily I have Financial Assistance Scheme. =)

The bad thing is I'm gonna miss my Sjab june camp and I hope my Sjab teacher in charge allows me to skip it.

Beijing! Here I come! =D


Monday, January 28, 2008

Currently mapling...

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Monday is a holiday
Friday was always the best day of the week. This is because the following days are Saturday and Sunday. But for me , every Friday I must go through a 4hour session of 'torture' first - SJAB training.

Why I call it torture?? Because it is really tiring and for every small mistake we did we had to do push ups. Last Friday was rather slack for me. I sprained my left leg and I just sat at a shady corner wating for time to pass and watching my squadmates doing foot drills and physical training under the hot sun. I felt uncomfortable like that but what to do, I sprained my leg right?

Another good news is that Monday is a school holiday!! This is because my seniors did really well for their O-levels and they made our school a Band 1 school! Wow! The principal prudly announced the school hoilday on Monday over the PA system. Everyone was like 'YEA!' , 'Woohoo!', and whatsoever lah. Yay so I have one more day of slack. Hahahahahaha!!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Hi guys!!

Long time no see ya! I'm getting lazy to blog haha. School has been fine and a little boring. My Physics teacher Mr Michael Chin is sooo damn funnyyyy!! XDXD He's the HOD for science mind you. He keeps on blabbering about the Quantum Mechanics and wave-particle duality things earlier. And I LOVE IT!! I'm a fan of Physics la thats why. U noe rite? He got me worked up to find out more about Physicsss. Ya ok.. I'm too enthu don't you think?

Also I like my Lit. teacher Mrs Tracy Goh. She's really kind and when you don't bring stuff (eg. Lit file) she won't scream at you. Her teaching is really good =) And I love Lit lessons nowdays. Well I always do. Lit. lessons is about uncovering more about stories in books. And I'm studying A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare. Cool huh? And its a comedy! Its hilarious!! lol. ok enuf about school.

I bought this new game called 'Mario Party DS' and its really fun!! Its 3D and basically its like a board game. But there's a catch. You get tio earn coins like money and after each turn you play minigames! 70+++ minigames. Thats a lot. And the minigames make full use of the touch screen and microphone on the NintendoDS. Yep. So there's a variety of minigames. And if there's other ppl playing Mario Party DS you can .. well... Party With Them!! Its really fun trust me. I'm planning to buy another DS catridge soon. But I don't have any ideas.. Any suggestions???

Donate your ideas on the tagboard k??


Friday, January 11, 2008
Training again
The 1st SJAB training started today! =D Luckily it was a bit more relaxed cos we got punished by Khairul only once. Yea. For 10-20mins. In push-up position. ouch. >.< pain.Pain.PAIN!! Anyway, I have devised a plan to slim down. =)

Everyday after school before bathing I would do 20 push-ups & sit-ups at home. Manually. Well it sounds really little(20 to u may seem easy) but I'll increase the amount over time as I get tougher XD.

Maybe I can go to the weights room at my school to train also. Today also I got 0/2 for my A.Math quiz(Simultaneous Equations). It broke my heart. Crrrrrsssshhhhhh... shattereddd. I thought I'm good at Math? But.. ******* #@!^%$**&%#$!!!!!!

looks like I'm gonna 'train' my brains at Simultaneous Eqns. Its my weakness in Math. But I won't give up till I master the skill. Yea. Thats the spirit. Never give up.


Saturday, January 5, 2008
Happy Birthday to Nyai and Kak Iya
Today I celebrated my granma and cousin's (whom I call Nyai and Kak Iya respectively)birthday. My granma cooked a lot of great dishes and my entire plate was full after putting all those dishes. My granma's cookings were always the best I'd say. =DD We ate chocolate cake!! Yummy!!

Aside from that, I didn't have SJAB training on the previous Friday! Woooohoooo! XDD Well nobody likes training anyway. So I spent most of my time at home doing homework. I've got like 4-5 pieces of homework and 3 pieces of project to complete. The homework was no problem but I HATE projects!!!!

The list is here:
1. English presentation - Treasure item for keepsake :/
2.HMT - My talents o.o
3.Biology - Plant cell 3D model :)

I'm ok with the English and Bio project but I just donno what to do with the Mother Tongue project!! Talents?? Hmmm..lets seee.. NONE! I don't know whats my talent! Gosh! Gaming and studies. Only that. But how? Do I have to fake it?? Nah. I donno what to do seriously. =((

Apart from that I think Sec3 classes are boring man. Its so quiet in class. We haven't bonded yet. Just wait till Mid-year. Things will get better =D

P.S. I will only post once a week cos school has started. I will post more frequently during the hols. =DD

Saiful =B


Muhammad. ∫aifullah Bin Jumari
Concordian ' class of 2005
Currently Josephian =)

SJISJAB'Squad Libra

Research & Publicity NCO'2008-2009=)
Persatuan Bahasa Melayu
EXCO member Secondary 3 rep.

103 ' 06
203 ' 07
335 ' 08
435 ' 09=)


Physics&Maths NUS student ' 2014&2015
Pursuit for Master in Physics 2016-20?

NIE student
SJI physics teacher/Old SJI boy
(marriage somewhere between)
SJI HOD science????
Get PhD in Physics

Learn String theory(further studies)
Go for Pilgrimage
Live a long old enriching life

Die a good death

See God
See hell
Go to heaven
Thats my life plan.