The speed of light is exactly : 299792.458 km/sec in vacuum
without the effect of gravitational fields.
In the Quran we can derive an equation:
[3682.8 km/hr](speed of the moon) x [655.71986 hr x 12000](total time in 1000 lunar years) x [cos(26.92952225)](moon orbit's twist angle) =
Vmoon x 12000
T x cos
ø = 25836303825 km
25836303825km is the distance traveled by the angels(which are made of light) in 1 earth day.
1 earth day = 24 x 60 x 60s = 86400s
V light = s/t = 25836303825km/86400s = 299031.2942km/s
=2.990312942 x 10^8m/s
This is when the moon's speed is affected by gravity. If we don't consider gravity, it will be exactly the speed of light.
C - the speed of light is found in the Quran, which is given from Allah to Prophet Muhammad 1400 yrs ago. How can it be a coincidence?? I therefore conclude the author of the Quran is the creator of the universe, ALLAH.
Labels: approx. 3 x 10^8m/s