Today I went to play Lan with my classmates and some schoolmates. It was damn fun. I used luna in all the games lolz. Well thats cos I'm best at it. nothing else i guess except for clockwerk. In the end, lucky for me I got beyond godlike with luna during the last match. pawning bradley, matt heng and weiyen(the free frag).
I realised that I only got that becos NO ONE defended the bottom lane. wei yen ran to the safety of the woods fighting neutral creeps(which he got pawned by). I and wq were happily farming and buying stuff. things got messy in the mid lane and i helped when the enemy started pushing. The top lane was alos open. wth. free farm. thats why i got treads, helm of dom , butterfly, reaver. and i had enuf $$ to buy hyperstone. lazy oni. if i did. i would have gotten holy shyt or smthg. i now realize the most impt part of the game is early and mid game. thats when u farm. when u farm well and play defensively in early game - the ending will be ownage.
So I guess my friends know the real me already. i'm not noob anymore ok.(just as some ppl thought) at least i'm a normal player. not to say i'm pro like marcus or smthng. =)))
yea luna rocks! maybe i should go train another hero. but i'll stick to luna for now and practice going steady in early game. cos i get pawned easily during early game cos of luna's low health.
And yes my luna build is wat matt chan shared with me when I just started playing:
Power treads
Helm of dom
satanic(from helm of dom)
assault cuirass
aghanim septre(although its cheap of me to use it) or radiance(a luxury item)
i played cs also but i suck at it lol. at least i pawned some=)
P.S. this post may be only understood by DotA players. sry
Labels: luna rox