Last Monday, I was too pre-occupied with school, too immersed in academics and too worn out with JC life that I didn't realize that June Holidays was nearing. Even after knowing, even today, it doesn't feel like a holiday at all. Am I being lifeless and too goal-oriented or what? I hope that the holiday mood will sink into me soon.
This holiday, I plan to eat less tidbits and snacks. I want to lose weight. I have to run soon. Like next week. Or this Sunday. I hope God gives me some motivation for this. To add on, I have PW research to do which will sap away almost half of my free time.
Seriously, the only thing I like in JC is my CCA, my friends and my favourite subjects. Other than that, it has been plain, dull and boring. 5 months have breezed by ever since we have gotten our O level results. O levels was, not to be arrogant, rather insignificant I realize. The number of A1s you have don't matter much. Its the points you get that matters. And I realize that in JC, with all the tough papers that they are gonna poison you with during common test, I shall not aim or hope for outstanding results. I just want to get promoted. And then do well for A levels.
Now my main concern is my Project Work and Malay Dance. I have been appointed as Student Leader and now I have to lead the group in terms of dance. I hope I'll do a good job. Also, I hope I meet the criteria for H3 Physics during the Promotional Exams. I need to balance.
Well, it all boils down to this.. Happy Holiday everyone =)
Omg. Its coming. Next Wednesday. I'm gonna brace myself for the 1st performance I'm performing for NJC. And sadly, probably the last one with my seniors.